Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Audubon Insectarium Display Table

On August 2009 my family and I visited New Orleans, LA. We wanted to see the reconstructed city since the work done post the 2005, Katrina, hurricane. At NOLA we met with my brother who traveled from Texas. On August 6th, we all visited the Audubon InsectariumIt has an amazing displays of insects. 

 Audubon Insectarium entrance artwork.

Wall displays at insectarium.

Insect display table.
One of the curiosities of the Insectarium is the Bug Buffet which invites the visitor to try adventurous bug recipes. Here we consumed tasty crickets chip cookies and other healthy foods. While at the Bug Buffet we sat at an interesting insect display table, shown in the picture above. In hte center of the table there is clear case with live insects... all while you are consuming the dead relatives. My brother, Andi Garcia,  and I got the idea of building a similar table. The post to follow will document the developed products.

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